"Every one who saves one soul seems to have saved the whole world"

Help us empower and support lost girls

Beit Naomi’s activities that help and save many girls cannot exist without the help of the public. Every small and large donation helps us save lives.

The donation to the organization is recognized for tax purposes in the United States

The late Rabbi Ovadia Yosef was one of the great supporters of Beit Naomi, and saw great importance in its work.

Proper pairing

Attentive ear

Adopt a girl


You have certainly and often heard the phrases

“A most suitable match” “A match made in Heaven”

You surely sometimes wonder what do these words really mean…..

You should know that these words are not some simple code or catch phrase, but they possess profound meaning.

They have been the subject of many explanations but the common factor is always that ….

Success in finding the right partner and in marriage … is dependent on a person’s own merits.

The Talmud in Masechet Shabbat (page 151b) states that the Alm-ghty relates to each individual reciprocally and one who shows mercy for others will also benefit from G-d’s mercy. In other words, “You show kindness to my creations, then I will show kindness to you and yours”.

Beit Naomi provides a warm home and care for teenage girls at risk and those who have dropped out of their educational framework. These girls have nobody else to take an interest in them, and their stay in Beit Naomi provides an atmosphere of true warmth, care and interest as well as planning for their secure and productive future.

May I take the liberty of asking you to devote a moment to consider these young ladies. Think about the tribulations and difficult life experiences resulting from an existence not of their choice or making as they try just to survive without help or guidance.

Beit Naomi has invested immense effort, with the assistance of devoted and highly professional staff, to achieve the aim of adopting these girls, who were without hope or a future, and – to date with great success – seeing them through to the great moment of their standing under their own Chupa.

Dear Jewish sister. You stand at a crucial moment in your life as you seek your own life partner with whom to establish a true and happy Jewish home. You are surely looking to G-d to treat you generously and match your own kindness and generosity.

We, therefore, turn to you at this time to consider “adopting” one of our young ladies of Beit Naomi at the nominal cost of only $ 0.99 per day.

With the Alm-ghty’s help you will certainly merit and find your ideal partner as Heaven’s reaction to your own worthy generosity and concern.

Donations can be sent to ….

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